
Intuyching ® (SuperConscious Self-Coaching™)
♥︎ Intuyching® is intuitive, energetic (chi) coaching, a block release tool (iPad app) that provides instant relief.
♥︎ It's like X-raying the subconscious mind, the soul.
♥︎ It helps us to recognize and become aware of, find and transform our blocks, deep-rooted negative thoughts (limiting beliefs), mental, emotional, business blockages and inhibitions, and the causes of our fears.
♥︎ It is for positive, spiritually open, and conscious-minded people for whom woo-woo spirituality is too much to bear, and who know that rationality alone is not enough.
♥︎ The Intuyching® chart system is based on Western psychology and Eastern ancient spiritual wisdom.
♥︎ The Intuyching® system is backed by evidence from quantum physics.
♥︎ Intuyching® is internationally recognised and recommended among Energy Psychology Modalities on Bruce Lipton PhD's website.


intuyching-superconscious self-coaching™

cmc-conscious money creation™

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Compassion (Part 2)
February 22.Compassion (Part 1)
January 30.© 2025 SZUPERC LIMITED - All rights reserved.
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- SuperConscious Creation®, SuperConscious World®, Intuyching® (SuperConscious Self-Coaching™©), Conscious Money Creation™© (CMC), TUDKO Communication™©, DEMERT Method™©, Numeropathy™©, Intuytor™© -
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