client testimonials
"The focus is on you, finding the way out of your problem..."

"...the [Intuyching®] charts worked wonderfully."
I was talking to "Z" a few days ago, and as he was telling me about his situation, I felt that Intuyching® would be a great help to him. So I offered to have a look. We talked for 2 hours, it was very deep and the charts worked wonderfully.
I was very excited about the experience, and wanted to share it with you and express my thanks again for creating this wonderful system!
I hug you with gratitude,
Veronika Nemeth
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"I not only secured my dream job but also received a fantastic salary package."
I had been actively searching for employment for over two years without any success. However, after a single session with Gabby and using the remarkable Intuyching system, I not only secured my dream job but also received a fantastic salary package.
Thank you, Gabby!
John, Canada
(Testimonial to Gabriella Barta, instructor)
"...a delightful stream of money has commenced, flowing from various sources."
After engaging in energy transformation with Intuyching® focused on the abundance of money, remarkable occurrences began unfolding. Unexpectedly, I stumbled upon money while walking on the street, a new client eagerly joined my coaching program, and to my surprise, I received an unexpected refund. It's as if a delightful stream of money has commenced, flowing from various sources.
Eva, Norway
(Testimonial to Gabriella Barta, instructor)
"I achieved a seamless transition into my coaching business on a full-time basis..."
For numerous years, my heartfelt desire was to depart from my regular job and fully dedicate myself to my mission of helping others. However, accomplishing this goal proved challenging. Yet, through the transformative power of the Intuyching® modality, I achieved a seamless transition into my coaching business on a full-time basis, bidding farewell to my previous employment.
Gabby, Hungary
(Testimonial to Gabriella Barta, instructor)
"Our conversation was a gift from God!!!"
Sweet-Dear Erika!
Our conversation was a gift from God!!! I gave (and continue to give) thanks to the Universe for bringing us into the same space!
It will take some time to overcome my complexes that have been well entrenched for decades, but at least I know what I need to work on. It's a huge relief!!!
In the last few days, it has become my practice that when I get discouraged, feel bad, or feel like I can't live up to expectations, I raise my hands to the middle of my sides, palms facing the sky, and say to myself: "What are you excited about?! You have one job: to radiate love! And you know you are doing it!" That calms me down.
And in the next period, I will study the life and deeds of Jesus (who for me is the absolute number one prophet!) more thoroughly, return to yoga literature and - for a rest - to the thoughts of the Dalai Lama.
Erika! Although I know you are blessed, may God, the Universe and quantum physics bless you every minute!
With the greatest love and respect:
Gabi Ghyczy
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"Spiritual relief and getting better..."
L. kisses you! Result of Intuyching® "blood pressure reduction": systoles 30 mm Hg reduction, pulse 92 to 82, plus mental relief and feeling better. No other gadgets or machines were used...
Kisses and thanks. P. Anita - Gyöngyös
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"I will again ask for the healing power of numbers..."
Since you have been using the Intuyching® technique for me, the healing numbers have brought very fast and spectacular results.
The first time we used it, I got a number from you for a hormonal problem, which was a bit difficult to confirm "tangibly" if it really worked, yet in my case there was a physical sign, which was positive feedback.
The next time, we were looking for a number for a more easily observed problem. And that was neck pain. Six months ago, I had a very stubborn neck pain which eased after about 2 months but did not go away completely.
This problem has recently flared up again, and I was afraid that I would not be able to turn my head again for many months. I immediately wrote to you about this, and within a few hours, you sent me a number with instructions, which I immediately started to apply. In about 3 or 4 days my neck was completely healed without using any other remedies besides the numbers. I think that would convince even total "unbelievers".
I will definitely ask for the healing power of the numbers again if a problem arises :)
Thank you!
Viktória Domonkos
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"The focus is on you, finding the way out of your problem..."
I have asked for help many times from Erika through her new Intuyching® chart system, and she helped many times.
When you ask for spiritual help, you need a response that is positive and that brings you forward while identifying the difficulty or obstacle you are facing.
The charts are very efficient with the questioning method to determine the root causes. Regarding the solution and your focus, they are far more positive than other methods I tried before and direct you towards the right energy you would like to attract and absorb.
I find them very helpful; the focus is on you finding the way out of your problem rather than digging further and further into the root causes.
I wish all of you a similar experience when trying this new journey, I had.
Magdolna - Budapest
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"THIS IS A MIRACLE!!!! Is it indeed possible?????"
Remember my wrist that always hurt and the doctor did nothing to heal it?
When we spoke, you asked to transform all the blocks that were hindering the healing and I noticed just 2 days later that it is so different, much better, and it doesn't hurt like before. Even then I felt that my wrist was 70-80% healed!!!!! THIS IS A SIGN!!!! Is this possible????? :D
The pain has almost disappeared, I can use my wrist, my hand. :D Unbelievable, I'm hooked!!! I'm speechless, it's so incomprehensible that it's like this!!! :)
Now I think I feel about 95-98% healed. I can't even describe it, it's all so leaps and bounds and so interesting. One day the pain is still there, the next day I notice, or the third day, "Gee, it doesn't hurt anymore"!
Thank you so much, I am so grateful!!! I can't tell you, really!!!! I know it's "only" a wrist, but if I couldn't use it so much before and now I have two hands again :), it's not all the same!
Réka Kárpi - Rátka
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"It was great! All the words and charts were easily understandable."
I was among the lucky ones with who you tried the new method.
Why Intuyching® is different? This is the very first time I am thinking about it.
Since the first session, some months passed, and my very first thought is that we can easily see and transform our beliefs with Intuyching®. We haven’t even noticed that they are beliefs; though you always say how important they are in determining our lives.
It was great! All the words and charts were easily understandable.
I knew that this was something great I had the chance to experience the NEW at that time but I became aware of it just now as I am writing about it! Incredible!!
I have many different feelings, after many months I am still under the influence of Intuyching®.
I could write even more positive words without being able to express the greatness of this method.
However, I AM SURE that it will spread out incredibly quickly and will be very popular!
I am so grateful that I know you!
Diána Duzmath - Hungary
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"Clearing out the old and making way for the new..."
As you know, I have been doing energy work with you for several years. I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate the new work that you are now doing. When we do a session, I feel the changes happening within me much more fully and powerfully. After the session, I can see how I am manifesting my intentions quicker and with more grace and ease.
Clearing out the old and making way for the new, at lightning speed, is what I would say your new work [Intuyching®] is accomplishing.
JW - Los Angeles, USA
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"I feel confident, certain and optimistic..."
I have a clearer mind this morning, feel confident, certain and optimistic about my career. I will do more Forgiving statements so that I can let go of the energies from my past job/experiences and start my new path. For my mum, I can feel more love-based feelings from her now.
I loved the SSC class in September, a lot of inspiration and insights for me. Thank you, Erika, again for your excellent teaching!
Best wishes,
R. H. - Hong Kong
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"...come to Erika with a calm heart because [Intuyching®] the energy transformation works!"
After 22 years of marriage, all relationships become flat in some ways. It was no different for us. My husband and I only talked about the kids and work and we became disinterested in each other. And then the third person came into my life, who brought love, drive and light into my everyday life.
I was enchanted by the fact that he was 16 years older than me, he was experienced, thoughtful, a man a woman could feel safe with. Everything was so natural and good with him from the first moment I met him, I thought it was something you only read about in chick-lit. It was as if we had always lived together, as if he was my real "other half", I experienced my relationship with him as a miracle.
We knew on a daily basis what was going on in each other's families, I knew when his daughter was taking her exams, he knew it was my Mother's birthday, he helped me think of things to surprise her with...etc. Then after about 2 years, the awakening came. There were situations where I had to weigh up whether to have a family event or meet her.
And of course, I chose family, because there was no love that could eclipse my children. Or I was feeling tired and wanted to reschedule my usual Wednesday meeting for another day. And as soon as a speck of dust was thrown into the machine, its true face showed.
He spoke to me in an unqualified tone, shouting everything away, throwing himself at me with a kind of demented anger that something had come between me and him. He sent me obscene text messages and e-mails, and I didn't even dare to listen to my voicemail on one of these occasions.
Of course, then came the apologies, the "knee jerk", the not understanding what happened to him, and he put the stars at my feet just to say sorry. Over time, these outbursts became increasingly violent, to the point that she threatened to tell my husband everything, threatened my job, made me impossible, and threatened that he would organise at my job they would fire me.
(In the meantime his marriage has broken down, and his wife has been forced out of the marriage by his children, I think that says a lot about his character). I don't know how long this would have gone on, as there was more emptiness in the relationship than joy, but I was afraid to break up with him, and he wouldn't have let me, his "clinging" was scary.
Then life sorted it out, an email account was left open where my husband found correspondence with him. Since then everything became clear to my husband. Needless to say, it all came crashing down, but in a way, I didn't regret it, because the pressure I was under was unbearable.
Despite everything, my husband decided to stay with the family and we agreed to stay together. The other party was hoping that my marriage would break up and that he would be the "saviour" and that I would be even more at his mercy. As this was not the case, he became furious and reported my husband to the police, saying that he had been burgled.
The police asked him if he suspected anyone who could have done it, and he unblinkingly named my husband. Although we don't have half the wealth of my ex-lover, we are not the type of people who would get involved in something like burglary or theft.
It is clear that he did it out of revenge, and we were fortunate that my husband had an unassailable alibi, he was abroad at the time, which of course my ex-lover did not know. In any case, I was very upset by the whole police story, never in our lives have either of us had even a traffic violation, not even one like this. And here my world started to collapse, I didn't know what he was going to do next, how he was going to try to ruin my life, what damage he was going to do.
And that's when I found Erika, like a drowning man clinging to a reed, because I felt I couldn't do it on my own. Erika was in America when I e-mailed her my story, she felt my distress and desperation so much that she took the time to Skype me, despite her trip abroad.
Erika found an explanation for the relationship between my lover and me, a past life that had energetically bound us together, which was not then finished, closed. Erika moved these "stuck" energies out, transformed them and asked for helpers to be with me. It was good to talk to her, her reassuring, wise insight was good. She didn't accuse me, didn't lecture me, that I was looking for my own fault, what and how I should or shouldn't have done it...etc.
Her understanding and wisdom touched me even through Skype. The conversation was definitely good for my soul, I felt that already then, and I'll be honest I didn't believe that help from above would come, I thought to myself that one try was worth it. And here is why I wrote my story. This man, who I was unable to shut out, to get out of my life no matter how hard I tried, was completely gone in 2 months!
After the conversation with Erika, he made some feeble attempts, dropped a letter in my mailbox, and stalked me at work, but these were very feeble attempts compared to what he did to me in the last period.
And I'll write it again, within 2 months he was completely out of my life, out of my environment, out of my sight. There are no words to express how grateful I am for all the help and I can only encourage anyone to come to Erika with a calm heart because [Intuyching®] the energy transformation works!
Thank you for everything!
Due to the nature of the story, the identity of the writer and the place where she lives remains completely incognito.
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
"I feel as though my sparkles are beginning to recharge!"
Dearest Erika,
Before our session, I felt sad, confused and full of despair. After our session, I feel happy, hopeful and empowered. I feel as though my sparkles are beginning to recharge!
I will apply the guidance you provided and look forward to enjoying further transformations and shifts in my energy.
With much gratitude,
Lara (Australia)
(Testimonial to Erika Laszlo, Creator of Intuyching®)
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